Terms of Service

TheMarketFront.com provides readers with the service of reviewing top products on Amazon.com and other sites with the aim of providing factual review information to help in making the right purchase decision. Product Information contained in this website must be used together with the product information listed on Amazon and this will helps you understand the product better.

There may be some changes in product information and customer feedback with time. We, therefore, encourage you to visit Amazon or our other affiliate sites to check the up to date information regarding a specific product. We also make sure that we update product information every now and then.

All our reviews have links to our affiliates for a specific product and you can always learn more about the price from the sites such as Amazon. We earn a commission by promoting the products and you can read our Affiliate Disclosure. Please feel free to inform us of any product misrepresentation and we will check and update the product information immediately.

Our promise to you our readers is that we will continue to review more products, edit existing reviews to represent up-to-date information, and make this site a great resource for customers out there.

Thank you for your feedback and support. Feel free to contact us.